Serve with one of our amazing programs: You were designed to be in community. Finding a SERVE opportunity that fits your season and stage of life will help you grow in your faith, and find meaningful connection. Your community is just a click away.


Day of the Week



Day of Week: Tuesday
Time: 4-6 PM or 6-8 PM
Program: GED, ESL

Create a welcoming environment by greeting and checking in students! Assist with dinner setup and classroom setup/teardown.

Discussion Leader

Day of Week: Flexible
Time: Flexible
Program: Training

Help facilitate group discussions for training participants.

Garden Box

Day of Week: Flexible
Time: Flexible
Program: Food Bank

Take home one of our garden boxes and plant half for yourself and half for the Life Center.

Resource Buddy

Day of Week: Flexible
Time: Flexible
Program: Resource Navigation

Work alongside our clients, helping them navigate their day-to-day life during a difficult time.


Day of Week: Tuesday
Time: 4:00-6:00 PM
Program: ESL

Help students learn English (written and spoken).


Day of Week: Tuesday
Time: 5:45-7:45 PM
Program: GED

Help students in math, science, language arts, or social studies to prepare them for GED exams.


Day of Week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Time: Flexible
Program: Coffee Break

Join our front desk team by fielding calls and loving on each person that comes in the door.

Work-2-Earn Buddy

Day of Week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Time: 8:30-11:15 AM

Work alongside our clients to show them Christ’s character and demonstrate His work ethic.

Food Bank

Day of Week: Flexible
Time: Varies
Program: Food Bank

Help the Food Bank run smoothly by serving on one of our various teams!


If you still have questions about our programs, getting plugged in, SERVING opportunities, or connecting to a community here at the Life Center, please click the one of the buttons below to learn more.